The annual WCBU face-to-face Festival of Bridge took place at the Bridge Centre, Green Point, Cape Town on 14th/15th/16th December.
The Teams event was won by the Pincus Team (Pincus/Gower/Apteker/Apteker) with the Narunsky Team (Narunsky/Alexander/Herz/Boehlke) in 2nd place. The B section prize was won by the Zimet team (Zimet/Wentzel/Cohen/Jacobs). Full results for the Teams event can be found here.
The Pairs event was won by Craig Gower and Brian Pincus with Leif Stabell and Omphemetse Moedi as runners-up. The B Section was won by Aubrey Fein and Elaine Guinsberg. Full results for the Pairs event can be found here.
The Festival was a very enjoyable, albeit challenging, tournament with wonderful teas, donated by DCAS and Bag of Bites, and an amazing lunch donated by DCAS and WCBU. Wine was donated by Kanonkop. Our sincere appreciation to all these organisations. We also very much appreciate Machelle and Colin Shapiro's contribution to the lunch braai and Colin's expert braaing skills!
Congratulations to the winners and to all who participated, as well as to the organisers (Jocelyn Ashberg and her team).