
WCBU Events - 2024


6 & 7 July

Western Cape SAWBA Inter-Provincial trials – online


27 & 28 July

Inter-Provincials - online


16 & 17 August

SAWBA Inter-Provincials - online


24 & 25 August

WCBU  Red Point Pairs at the Bridge Centre, Green Point


22 October – 3 November

16th World Bridge Games in Buenos Aires


8, 9 &10 November

Mixed Teams tournament will be run instead of Interclub this year  - this will take place on BBO (monitored at a bridge centre).


19 – 25 November

SAWBA - online


14, 15 & 16 December

Festival of Bridge (Teams & Pairs) at the Bridge Centre, Green Point


WCBU monthly Personal Trust Sunday bridge & lunch

26 May, 30 June, 28 July, 25 August, 29 September, 26 October (nothing in November and December)






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