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Ref: Name and event/subs
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Pianola User Guide
WC Trials for SAWBA Teams Inter-provincials
Saturday / Sunday 3/4 May (online)
WC Teams
Saturday / Sunday 7/8 June (face-to-face)
The winners of the A & B sections will represent the W.Cape at the Inter-Union online (Medwin/Berkowitz) on 26/27 July.
WC Pairs
Saturday / Sunday 6/7 September (face-to-face)
Festival of Bridge
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday 14/15/16 December (face-to-face)
Open & Ladies Trials - online BBO and monitored at Bridge Centres: 23 February - 1 March
Mixed Teams Trials - online BBO and monitored at Bridge Centres: 16 - 23 March
Congress - Johannesburg: 18 - 25 May
Mixed Teams - 0nline: 5-7 July
Details re venues and format will be on SABF website.
3 / 4 May
WCBU Trials for SAWBA inter provincials
Teams - online
9 / 10 August
SAWBA Inter Provincials
1 / 2 November
SAWBA Pairs online
22/ 23 November
SAWBA Teams onliine