Online Beginner Bridge Courses in 1H2022

Monday, 21 February 2022 by Brian Paxton

The following is our schedule of popular beginner bridge courses taking place during the first half of 2022. Each course comprises six weekly sessions based on Paul Marston's "Introduction to Bridge". Each Zoom lecture is followed by an hour or more of play using the RealBridge website where experienced players mentor the learners playing hands related to the lesson just taught.

103 Language of Bidding  scheduled to start 9th March evening (this is for students who have completed courses 101 and 102)

101 Introduction to Bridge scheduled to start 25th March in the morning (see attached brochure)

102 Principle of Card Play scheduled to start 4th May evening

101 Introduction to Bridge scheduled to start 6th May in the morning.

Feedback from those who have attended the courses so far has generally been ecstatic and the courses have been oversubscribed.

Prospective beginners can click on the links to download a brochure or contact Carol Stanton [email protected] for more information or to register.