Obituary - Yvonne Verblum

Friday, 13 January 2023 by Brian Paxton

With the sad passing of Yvonne Verblun this week,the South African bridge community has lost one of its very special founding members. She was 95 and had been in fading health for some time. She enjoyed all aspects of her life overcoming many difficulties and remained young at heart right to the end.

She graduated from UCT at the age of 40 - quite an achievement

Her bridge career encompassed wonderful partnershipsmost famously with Bernard Fox.  They were really to be feared at the table, winning many national and regional events. She also partnered Julie Peires to many successes in Women's bridge and remained interested and active till her eye-sight  diminished a few years ago.

She was always positive in her approach to life and encouraged and supported younger up and coming players.

Her cheerful disposition will be remembered by all and she will always be remembered.